
全國(guó)統(tǒng)一服務(wù)熱線 020-82303306










  • 杭州橡膠集團(tuán)有限公司
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  • 上海寶鋼集團(tuán)公司
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  • 比亞迪股份有限公司
  • 合作企業(yè)太多,只列舉部分企業(yè)…


范圍: 6-50 N / cm 


它的工作原理類似于CHECK-LINE HP紗線包裹硬度計(jì)所采用的原理,不同之處在于,如果裝有一個(gè)英寸英寸的壓頭,而不是壓頭球,該壓頭位于兩個(gè)相距兩英寸的外部“參考”壓條之間的中間。當(dāng)儀器放在物料上時(shí),張力越大,推桿越會(huì)被推入,并且秤上的讀數(shù)也越大。 m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司





范圍 6-50牛頓/厘米
準(zhǔn)確性 表盤上的±1刻度
外型尺寸 3英寸x 1.8英寸x 4.5英寸(75 x 46 x 115毫米)
重量 1磅(480克)
標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 符合DIN EN 16611

Warranty and Liabilitym0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

In principle, the supply of the device is subject to our “General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.” These have been provided to the operating company on conclusion of the contract, at the latest.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司


- SCHMIDT Mechanical Screen Printing Tension Meter are warranted for 12 months.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Parts subject to wear, electronic components and measuring springs are not covered by the warranty. No warranty or liability will be accepted for bodily injury or property damagem0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

resulting from one or several of the following causes:m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Misuse or abuse of the device.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Improper mounting, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the devicem0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

(e.g. verification interval).m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Operation of the device if any safeguards are defective or if any safety and protectionm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

precautions are not properly installed or not operative.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Failure to comply with the notices in the Operating Instructions regarding transport,m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

storage, mounting, commissioning, operation, maintenance and setup of the device.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Any unauthorized structural alteration of the device.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Insufficient inspection of device components that are subject to wear.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Opening the device or improper repair work.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Disasters caused by the effects of foreign objects or by force majeure.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.1 Notices within the Operating Instructionsm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The fundamental prerequisite for the safe handling of this device and its troublefree operation is the knowledge of the basic safety notices and safety instructions.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

These Operating Instructions contain the most important notices for the safe operation of the device.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

These Operating Instructions, in particular the safety notices, must be observed by any person who works with the device. In addition, the local valid rules and regulations for the prevention of accidents must be complied with.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The representations within the Operating Instructions are not true to scale.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The dimensions given are not binding.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

General indications of direction, such as FRONT, REAR, RIGHT, LEFT apply when viewing the front of the device.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.2 Responsibilities of the Operating Companym0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

In compliance with the EC Directive 89/655/EEC, the operating company agrees to onlym0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

permit persons to work with the device who:m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- are familiar with the basic regulations on industrial safety and accident prevention andm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

who have been trained in handling the device.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- have read and understood the chapter on safety and the warning notices in thesem0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Operating Instructions and have confirmed this with their signatures.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- are examined regularly on their safe and conscientious working method.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.3 Responsibilities of the Personnelm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

All persons who work with the device agree to perform the following duties before startingm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司


- to observe the basic regulations on industrial safety and accident prevention.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- to read the chapter on safety and the warning notices in these Operating Instructions andm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

to confirm with their signatures that they have understood them.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.4 Informal Safety Measuresm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The Operating Instructions must always be kept on hand where the device is operated.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Apart from the Operating Instructions, the general and local valid regulations on accidentm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

prevention and environmental protection must be provided and complied with.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.5 Training of the Personnelm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Only trained and instructed personnel is permitted to work with the device. The responsibilitiesm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

of the personnel must be clearly defined for mounting, commissioning, operation,m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

setup, maintenance and repair. Trainees may only work with the device under the supervisionm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

of an experienced personnelm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.6 Intended Usem0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.7 Dangers in Handling the Devicem0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The device is intended exclusively to be used as a tension of print screens.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Any other use or any use exceeding this intention will be regarded as misuse.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Under no circumstances shall HANS SCHMIDT & Co GmbH be held liable for damagem0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

resulting from misuse.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The intended use also includes:m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Complying with all notices included in the Operating Instructions and observing all inspection and maintenance works.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.7 Dangers in Handling the Devicem0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The device was designed according to the state of the art and the approved safety standards.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Nevertheless, its use may cause serious or fatal injury to the user or third persons,m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

and/or an impairment of the device or of other material assets.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The device may only be applied:m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- For its intended use in a faultless condition with regard to the safety requirements.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Malfunctions that could impair safety must be remedied immediately.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

- Personal protective equipment must be used according to the EC Directive 89/686/EEC.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.8 Copyrightm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

The copyright on these Operating Instructions remains with the company HANS SCHMIDT & Co GmbH.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

These Operating Instructions are intended for the operating company and its personnel only. They contain instructions and notices that may only be reproduced on the prior writtenm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

permission of HANS SCHMIDT & Co GmbHm0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

and under indication of the complete reference data.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Violations will be prosecuted.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

1.9 Declaration of Conformitym0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司

Our mechanical screen printing tension meters do not belong to the EC machinery directive 2006/42/EG and do not have a CE mark.m0T廣州南創(chuàng)電子科技有限公司


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